Going Green

MotorCity Casino Hotel is committed to making environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible choices that can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations.

Maximizing Efficiency and Minimizing Waste

We use energy efficient lighting across the property. We buy many of our food and beverage products in bulk helps to eliminate excess packaging. Our hotel guests are encouraged to reuse their towels in order to save water and energy. We provide hotel guests with reusable glasses rather than plastic cups, and sensors on the heating and cooling systems shut off power when guest rooms are unoccupied.

Protecting and Enhancing the Environment

We place indoor plants in our hotel rooms and public areas. We use environmentally friendly chemicals in many of our cleaning products and we’re an active participant in LEED and Energy Star programs. Outside, we support green spaces on and around our property and take part in cleanup efforts of neighboring lots and playgrounds.